2021… phew you were a crazy rollercoaster ride! I was so expectant and excited for 2021, I had my arms wide open to welcome everything there was to come. Then 2021 arrived, barely said hello and off we went! So fast, so crazy, up and down and upside down. I hardly paused this year, because there wasn’t the time to do so.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining here and I’ve been very lucky throughout these two years of the pandemic, but everyone needs to take a break sometimes. This year, I feel like I felt every emotion and I felt them all strongly.

In 2021, I’ve felt successful and I’ve also felt incapable no matter how hard I tried. I gave work my all and cheered for the small victories, but at the same time felt so exhausted and so overwhelmed whenever things beyond my control went wrong. I’ve felt like I’ve grown and learnt so much more than I anticipated and felt more confident than I’ve ever been, but I’ve also felt belittled and discouraged. I’ve had my patience tested to the very end and I’ve also been shown so much patience and care. I’ve been extremely stressed out and upset, but I’ve also been incredibly happy and excited when I received the most exciting opportunities I’ve ever received! It’s just been… a lot.

How did you spend your NYE? Are you the type to go all out or spend a quiet day in? My NYE started with me struggling to wake up this morning, then spent my morning sorting out my work inbox over breakfast, setting my out of office reply and finally shutting off my work computer. I enjoyed a delicious lunch with my sister and then went for my haircut appointment. My hair, just like my stress levels this year, had spun out of control, and somehow, after an hour, my hairstylist turned my messy head into a look I wished I could achieve everyday. It is the best way to end the year and I’m happy to have my new hair join me as I welcome the new year as well. :)

My family and I had our favourite Hong Kong food for dinner and I’m going to be home this rainy day to watch Adele One Night Only on TV. My NYE is nothing exciting, but it’s exactly how I want it. After a year of too much, all I want at the end of it is to slow down and not have to reply and respond, to rush, to always be checking off my to do list.

As a whole, 2021 has been a challenging but pretty good year. The year has left me very grateful, very tired and very surprised. I’m hopeful for 2022. I’m looking to the new year with faith, with hopes for a calmer year, a steadier pace and of course, new surprises along the way. I wish the same for you, that 2022 will be what you’re looking for and may it be a year filled with peace and hope.
Best wishes always and thank you for journeying along with my city adventures this year. Talk soon in 2022! :)
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Tags : Year in Review