Header Photo by freestocks.org on Unsplash
City Girl, City Stories is five years old today! This is quite a milestone for me, as I can’t believe I’ve kept this personal blog of mine running for this long! Every year, I realize that I’ve collected another year of adventures and memories in my digital home, available anytime for me to re-visit. Sometimes, in my free time, I dig through my archives and note the difference in my ‘voice’, and at the same time, remember all the city stories I’ve experienced and shared. :)
To be honest, in the last few months before hitting this five year mark, I was considering if it was time to close this blog, or if it was time for it to evolve into something else. In a time of such rapid social media consumption and more exciting video content on Youtube, do ‘slower’ things like blogging and reading books still hold its place? I found that of course, it still does, although possibly less prominently than it did before. But I’m happy to still read and follow a bunch of personal blogs who continue to share their stories online and I love that! :) I realized that blogging and having my personal site still meant a lot to me, and since I do not make a living off this blog in any way (have never did and likely never will), I am free to do whatever I want with it.
I started City Girl, City Stories in 2014, and everything related to this site was self learned from online tutorials and done by me, something which I’m still very proud of! :) My blog became noticed quickly, and I was surprised by the invitations and sponsor opportunities that came into my inbox in its early years. I’m still surprised that happened and I’m very grateful to those who reached out, even if I never ended up taking any sponsored opportunities. I will, however, always remember really special memories like being invited to a kikki.K store opening event in Hong Kong and meeting the founder Kristina herself or being included in Foodpanda’s list of favourite bloggers in Hong Kong! Those days of blogging growth are behind me (for now), probably due to me having less time to dedicate to my site since working full time or due to me moving to Singapore? I’m not sure, but it doesn’t really matter.
It’s 2019 now, and as I pondered whether I wanted to renew my site for another year, I decided to give myself more time, as I genuinely still wanted to share my city adventures, the books I’m reading and the amazing stuff I have access to in sunny Singapore. I also wanted to try changing up what I share on here a little bit, and I’m tinkering with the idea of having CGCS be more of a personal-lifestyle blog, instead of limiting myself to only lifestyle posts. We’ll see how it goes!
Finally, as always, thank you for reading and for visiting this blog. I chose to make it public as I wanted to share, and Instagram and Facebook – while great – are not my favourite platforms for sharing. Even if it’s a little, I hope this blog brings some inspiration and virtual sunshine from my city to yours. ☀️
P.S. I would love to know of any personal blogs or personal/lifestyle blogs out there on the Internet, from any country! Please send them my way – old school via the comments below / email (kylene@citygirlcitystories.com) or just send me a DM. Thanks so much!
Tags : Blog Anniversary
Diane says
Hi Kylene! 5 years is a milestone :) In a time where people prefer microblogging (twitter and other social media sites) added to this when visual platforms are now more appreciated (Instagram, Youtube), it’s becoming a rare sight to see bloggers using the traditional platform. While writing lengthy texts and editing photos may become obsolete, I still enjoy reading blogging in the traditional platforms. I can sense that you enjoy and love writing too. So blogging will always be in your system. Looking forward to hear and read more personal and heartfelt stories from you :)
Kylene Wu says
Hi Diane! Like you, I still really enjoy reading blogs and the personal touch and voice that they have, something I feel like is easy to miss on platforms like Instagram.
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and reading this blog, your encouragement is much appreciated. :) Here’s to more years of blogging ahead for us! Best wishes for a happy new year ahead!