Happy weekend everyone! :) These two days have been pretty awesome for me. On Friday, after getting back a wifi connection at home (it keeps breaking down!), the first thing I see on Facebook is Jayesslee’s announcement that they are performing one show in Hong Kong in January!! I’m such a huge fan of Janice and Sonia and I tried (and failed) to get tickets to their show last year so I am really excited that I managed to get tickets this time after battling with the online ticketing system for 15 minutes!
Yesterday I took a weekend stroll at the Avenue of Stars after checking out the Christmas display outside Harbour City. :) Anyway, this is my first Christmas which I’ll be spending in Hong Kong and I can’t wait to share more photos soon!
For now, I wanted to share a quick post of a really popular Singapore cafe my friend recommended when I was there in October! I’m not very updated with the trends and popular places in Singapore these days since I’m mostly in Hong Kong for the past three years, but that’s what friends are for! :)
I’ve seen snapshots of Wimbly Lu at night on Instagram and it looks very pretty, with twinkly lights hanging on the ceiling. My friend and I went there during the day though, and it’s not as pretty and quite dark inside. This is all personal preference really, I just prefer bright and colourful places in general. :)
After visiting the cafe, I googled it and I kept reading descriptions of Wimbly Lu being a “dessert cafe” and a “chocolate cafe” and being known for having the best waffles in Singapore cafes and guess what? I didn’t try a single dessert/chocolate/waffle item on the menu. In my defence, it was lunchtime and I was hungry.
This was my vegetarian lasagna (S$10) and my friend’s waffle with chocolate ice cream (S$8.50). There is an additional 10% service charge and 7% GST added to your subtotal.
I think if you’re interested in visiting Wimbly Lu, it might be a good idea to try some of their desserts because I noticed that 95% of the people in the cafe were having waffles and other desserts! I guess I missed out. Maybe next time!
Overall, the food is good and the staff are polite and friendly. The tables are very close to each other and the cafe was completely full at lunchtime so my friend and I didn’t linger too long, we went someplace else to catch up over coffee instead. :)
Wimbly Lu
15-2 Jalan Riang
Tuesday – Thursday: 12:30pm – 10:30pm
Friday: 12:30pm – 11pm
Saturday: 9am – 11pm
Sunday: 9am – 10:30pm
Closed on Monday
Tags : Cafes