I’ve been a lucky girl recently, after visiting two 3D museums in Hong Kong and Singapore, I got a chance to visit Korea’s Trick Eye Museum’s first overseas branch in Singapore too! The first 3D museum I visited was actually the Trick Eye Museum in Seoul two years ago so I am really excited that they have launched in Singapore as well.
The painting in the photo above was one of my favourites at Trick Eye Singapore, because it perfectly captured my favourite aspect of this 3D museum experience, which was the fun and modern recreation of famous artworks! I mean, check out the photo below. ;)
最近我做了個行運的女孩, 因為參觀完兩間香港及新加坡的3D藝術館後, 又再有機會去特麗愛3D美術館在海外的分館呀! 我參觀的第一間3D藝術館, 其實就是兩年前我在首爾所探訪的特麗愛3D美術館, 所以當我知道新加坡也開了一間時, 我真的很興奮。
以上相片裡的畫是我在新加坡特麗愛所拍的最喜歡之一, 因為它完美地補捉到我對3D藝術館的體驗裡最喜愛的部份, 一個又好玩, 又有現代創意的知名名畫! 何解呢? 那就看看以下的相片吧! :)
(Trick Eye Museum [left] & Johannes Vermeer, Girl with a Pearl Earring, c. 1665-1667. [right])
(左: 特麗愛美術館 右: Johannes Vermeer, 載著珍珠耳環的女孩 c. 1665-1667.)
After my visit to Trick Eye, I went searching through Google for the original paintings that the ones I saw at the museum were based on and was so amused when I realised how the original paintings were adapted by Trick Eye! More below for more photos and a review of my experience. :)
去完特麗愛之後, 我再上網去搜尋, 館內的陳列品所根據的原創畫, 當我明白到特麗愛如何改編創作原創畫, 我覺得這很有趣! 以下有更多的相片及我個人體驗的評述。:)
I feel that the element of recreating famous paintings in this museum is frequently overlooked due to the other colourful and fun artworks but I really loved how the Trick Eye Museum made use of these paintings and created something new for a modern audience.
由於其他的藝術作品又富色彩, 又有趣, 重新創作名畫的原素就被人忽略了。但我真的很喜愛特麗愛美術館如果運用這些名畫來再重新創作, 帶給現代的觀眾新的視覺。
(Trick Eye Museum [top] & Georges Seurat, A Sunday on La Grande Jatte, 1884. [below])
(上: 特麗愛美術館 下: Georges Seurat, 在 La Grande Jatte 的一個星期日, 1884.)
Note: I visited Trick Eye Singapore on a weekday afternoon, you can also compare my experience at Trick Eye to my previous visits to the Singapore Alive Museum and Hong Kong 3D museum here.
注意: 我是在一個週日的下午去參觀新加坡特麗愛的, 你也可以從中比較起我以前到過的新加坡愛來魔相藝術館及香港3D奇幻世界的體驗:在這裡。
The artworks at Trick Eye Museum consisted of a mix of 3D art paintings and object art. I have to say that I really like the bright colours used in the entire museum because it brings a very lively atmosphere to the whole place! It also helped that there is sufficient lighting and every photo captured comes out colourful and bright. (I had issues with the lighting at Alive Museum because most of my photos came out darker than I liked despite standing at the stated photo points.)
特麗愛美術館的藝術作品包括有3D美術畫及物像的藝術。我一定要說是我真的喜歡整個美術館所沿用的明亮顏色, 這帶出一個很有活力的氣氛! 除此之外, 它還有足夠的燈光, 所以每張拍攝出來的相片都色彩明亮。(我對愛來魔相藝術館的燈光卻覺得有點問題, 因為就算我站在指定的拍攝位置來拍照, 拍出來的照片都比我所想的暗。)
When it comes to art, I wasn’t blessed with any talent in it whatsoever. I can’t draw to save my life. When I was in secondary school, during one particular art class, we were supposed to draw a portrait of our classmates. I drew my friend, submitted it, and proceeded to be completely humiliated by my art teacher who lifted two portraits (one of it being mine) and said “Alien vs. Predator HAHAHAHA”. True story.
In university, I took a chance and tried a fine arts class. There was obviously no drawing involved and I loved the class! Too bad my grade for the class didn’t turn out too well despite my best efforts. Oh well. After all that, the funny thing is, my sister is a fine arts major. She loves it – she writes about art, she talks about art and she also gets fantastic grades in her classes, not to mention that unlike me, she can actually draw.
We went to Trick Eye together and she was probably the best person to go with because the minute we stepped in, she was excitedly pointing out recreated paintings to me! This is my favourite part!
講到美術, 怎樣說我都是没有任何天赋的, 就算你要殺了我, 我還是畫不出來。當我還是讀中學時, 在一堂美術課裡, 我們是要畫一個同學的肖像。我畫了我的好友, 交給了美術老師, 跟著的就是完全被他奚落的時刻; 他舉起兩幅畫像 (一幅是我畫的)說: “外星人 對 掠奪者, 哈哈哈!”。這是個真的故事。
在念大學時, 我抓緊機會去試讀一個藝術系課程。明顯地這不須要學生畫畫, 而我又很喜愛這個課程。可惜的是, 無論我怎樣用功, 我念這個課程的成績亦不見得太好。這就算了吧! 但到後來, 有趣的是, 我妹妹卻是個主修藝術系的學生。她愛藝術 – 她寫關於藝術, 講關於藝術, 她在她的藝術課裡拿到出奇地高的成績, 不用說也知道她不像我, 她是董得畫畫的。
我們一起去特麗愛, 她應該是個最佳的同伴吧, 因為從那一分鐘我們踏進去開始, 她就很興奮地指給我看那些重新創作的畫。這是我喜歡的部份!
(Trick Eye Museum [top] & Gustave Caillebotte, Paris Street; Rainy Day, 1877. [below])
(上: 特麗愛美術館 下: Gustave Caillebotte, 巴黎街道; 下雨天, 1877)
(Trick Eye Museum [top] & Jack Vettriano, The Singing Butler, 1992. [below])
(上: 特麗愛美術館 下: Jack Vettriano, 唱著歌的管家, 1992)
I love how these recreated paintings have people in the paintings appearing to have walked out from them! :)
我喜歡這些重新創作的畫, 在於它像能令人物從畫裏面行走出來一樣! :)
(Trick Eye Museum [top] & Johannes Vermeer, The Milkmaid, c. 1658 and Weary Heracles, Roman copy, 2nd century AD. [below])
(上: 特麗愛美術館 下: Johannes Vermeer, 在處理牛奶的女僕 c. 1658 及疲倦的大力士, 羅馬複本, 公元第二世紀。)
I found the story behind the Weary Heracles sculpture very interesting! You can read about it here. :)
我發覺 Weary Heracles 雕塑背後的故事非常有趣! 你可以在這裡閱讀這個故事. :)
The museum was really crowded when I went in at about 4pm on a weekday afternoon! As most of the paintings are very close to each other, it can feel quite crowded when a large number of people are gathered around a particular area. My sister and I found that as we went slowly, the majority of the crowd moved ahead of us and we were left wandering around with just a few people in the same area.
當我在一個週日大概下午四點鐘去參觀的時候, 這個美術館真的是很多人! 因為大多數的畫都擺放得很接近, 當有一大群人聚集在同一個地方時, 是會感到很擠迫的。我和我妹妹發覺當我們慢慢行的時候, 多數的群眾就會走過我們, 剩下我們及幾個人在原地處徘徊了。
I found it fitting that the painting of The Little Match Girl came with a UNICEF donation box.
我覺得這個 “賣火柴的小女孩“的畫像, 跟聯合國兒童基金會的捐款箱很配合。
At Trick Eye Singapore, after purchasing tickets, there is a specified wait time before you are allowed to enter. When I visited on a weekday, I noticed that the queue for both the ticketing counter and for entry into the museum was very short but this is likely very different on weekends!
在新加坡特麗愛, 買了入塲票之後, 你必須要等到指定的時間才可入塲。我去的時候是在一個週日裡, 我注意到售票處及入塲處兩邉排着的人隊都很短, 但相信在週末時就會很不同了。
I have to point out that Trick Eye Museum, which is located inside Resorts World Sentosa, is difficult to locate. In my case, I drove into Sentosa by car and I couldn’t see signs for Trick Eye Museum. It took me quite a while and asking for directions numerous times before I managed to find it.
To simplify things a little, if you plan on driving, first of all, there was a S$6 entry fee to Resorts World Sentosa. After entry, drive to Basement 1 of the Resorts World Sentosa car park. In the middle of the car park, you should see an area where there are a few escalators leading up to an open area.
(Refer to photo above.) Take those escalators up, where you should see the “universal” globe. Look to the side and you should see the “Insadong Korea Town”, walk past that and you will see this long Insadong street. Keep walking straight through this street and you will find Trick Eye Museum at the end!
我必須要指出的是, 特麗愛美術館是坐落於聖淘沙名勝世界裏面, 很難找到它的位置。而我呢? 當日我是駕車入去聖淘沙的, 但卻看不見特麗愛美術館的指示路牌。這令我費了些時間, 又問路幾次, 才可以找得到。
簡化一點說, 如果你計劃駕車入內, 首先你必須付S$6進入聖淘沙名勝世界, 之後駛入聖淘沙名勝世界停車場B1。在停車場的中間, 你會看到那處有幾個電動扶梯, 通上到一個通天的地方。
(請看以上相片。) 乘電動扶梯而上, 你會見到 “universal”的球型標誌。旁邊你應該可以見到”Insadong Korea Town”, 行過之後, 就見到這條長長的Insadong street。 經這條街一路直走, 最終就是特麗愛美術館了!
Adult (13-59): S$25
Child (4-12): S$20
Senior (60+): S$20
成人 (13-59): S$25
小童 (4-12): S$20
長者 (60+): S$20
(Trick Eye Museum [top] & Vincent van Gogh, The Starry Night, 1889. [below])
(上: 特麗愛美術館 下: Vincent van Gogh,星光照耀的夜晚, 1889.)
I feel that Trick Eye Museum is definitely worth a visit! I really liked the colours, the creativity and the artworks. :) Since I remember enjoying my experience at the Seoul branch two years ago, I’m glad I had just as much fun at the Singapore branch. And here’s good news for those of us living in Hong Kong: Trick Eye Museum will also be launching in Hong Kong sometime this month! I’m so excited! :D
我覺得特麗愛美術館肯定是值得一遊的! 我真的很喜歡它的明亮的顏色, 創意及藝術作品。:) 我記得兩年前在首爾的美術館我有很好的體驗, 而這次在新加坡的分館我感到很高興, 因為它是同樣的有趣。而我們住在香港的就有這個好消息: 在這個月, 香港的特麗愛美術館將會開張了! 我真的很興奮呢! :)
(Trick Eye Museum’s version of Michelangelo, David, 1501-1504 and background: Pablo Picasso, Le Rêve, 1932.)
(特麗愛美術館的版本: Michelangelo, 大衛, 1501-1504 及背景: Pablo Picasso, , 1932.)
Trick Eye Museum Singapore
Waterfront @ Resort World Sentosa, 26 Sentosa Gateway
Daily: 10am – 9pm
Waterfront @ 聖淘沙名勝世界, 26 Sentosa Gateway
每日: 早上10時 – 晚上9時
Thank you for the invitation, Trick Eye Museum Singapore!
新加坡特麗愛美術館, 多謝你的邀請!
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