Image credit for feature image above: Lauren Ho’s website https://hellolaurenho.com
Books are something that I’m always passionate about. Books and everything book related like bookstores, libraries and of course, the people who write them, the authors. :)
Over the weekend, thanks to Popular Bookstore (Bras Basah) hosting a Meet the Author book signing event with local author Lauren Ho, I got to meet one of my favourite authors in person and told her how much I enjoyed her first book Last Tang Standing! (See my post about it here!)
She is funny in person too, just like the humour found in her books, and kindly chatted with my sister and I about the importance of having more English books coming from this region (Asia/Southeast Asia) while also recommending some authors to us.

I excitedly bought a copy of her new book Lucie Yi is Not a Romantic, which Lauren signed, so this book will always hold a special spot on my bookshelf. :) I have loved books for as long as I can remember and autographed books are just extra special! Looking forward to reading this one.

If you’re interested and would like to meet Lauren and have her sign your copy of her books too (plus support our local bookstores!), I learned from Instagram that she has two more upcoming meet the author/book signing events scheduled. Adding the details below for reference and if you haven’t read her books yet, I definitely recommend it!
BookTalk at Epigram Coffee Bookshop – 27 August, 5pm – 6pm
Meet the Author: Lauren Ho at Times Bookstore (Plaza Singapura) – 3 September, 2pm – 3pm
Speaking of meet the author/book signing events, this is only the second one I’ve attended! My first meet the author event was way back in 2008 at Borders bookstore Singapore (sadly now gone), when I met Meg Cabot, the writer of my absolute favourite books from my teenage years. I remember feeling pretty star-struck, the way you would with your favourite celebrity. My sister and I still have our signed copies of The Princess Diary (book 6) and Avalon High, which Meg signed in pink Sharpie! I had to dig out this throwback photo from 2008 to share. :)

Recently, I’ve been trying to consciously support our local bookstores as much as I possibly can, because they are precious and wonderful places that should be treasured. For one, they offer that special browsing experience, organise author events and offer a physical space of calm and slowing down.
For another, I think books, bookstores and libraries are much needed now, perhaps more so than ever in this ever spinning world where sometimes I feel like I’m trying to catch up. It’s always great finding some balance and slowing down whenever I can through my books. :)
Bookish Links
– Lauren Ho: Website – Instagram
– Follow my bookstagram here
– Follow my Goodreads here
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