If you’re coming to Hong Kong, you have to make some time for a trip to Stanley! I’m biased when I say this since Stanley is one of my favourite places in Hong Kong but if you have some extra time, I say go for it.
I do realise that the appeal of Hong Kong to those visiting are the food, shopping and the bustling streets but an escape from Hong Kong’s urban city life is just as, if not more, interesting. :)
如果你來到香港, 你一定要找些時間去赤柱旅遊一下! 可能我這樣說, 是因為我對赤柱這個地方有著偏愛, 它是我在香港最愛的地方之一。但是如果你有多一些時間的話, 那就聽我說: 去啦!
我知道香港吸引遊人的地方, 在於他的食物, 購物和繁華的街道, 但試一次逃離香港的繁忙城市生活嗎? 這當然是同樣的有趣, 甚至比前者更為有趣。:)
I think Stanley offers a different experience to different people. Some love the bars, some love the beaches, tourists like wandering around Stanley market, but in this post, I wanted to share my version of Stanley. :)
我想赤柱對不同的人有不同的體驗。有些人喜歡去酒吧, 有些人喜歡去沙灘, 遊客喜歡去逛赤柱大街, 但在這裡, 我要跟你分享我個別的赤柱的版本。:)
My photos are a mixture taken in spring and summer but I personally feel that Stanley is prettier in the springtime. Mostly due to the fact that there are flowers and bright colours here and there and flowers and colours just make me happy.
我拍的照片, 是夾雜在春天和夏天拍的, 但我個人覺得春天的赤柱比較美一點。這主要是因為在這個時候, 到處都開了花, 明亮的顏色處處皆是, 身處其中,令我感到很快樂。
Stanley Promenade 赤柱海濱長廊
It’s fall now in Hong Kong and winter is approaching and I’ve never been to Stanley in winter, so if you’re planning to head there soon, maybe you could tell me how it’s like? :)
香港現在正是秋季, 冬天快要來了, 我從未試過在冬天裡去赤柱, 如果你計畫很快就會去看看, 那麼或者你可以告訴我它會是怎麼樣的呢?
Here’s a foodie tip: check out Waffleman on the 4/F of Stanley Plaza for some yummy Belgian waffles! They make them on the spot after you order and they’re warm and not too sweet and just the right size. Yum.
有一個找食物的小貼士: 去試試 Stanley Plaza 四樓 Waffleman 的美味比利時烘餅吧! 他們是即買即烘做的, 所以他們的烘餅既熱又不太甜, 份量啱啱好。好味道!
Stanley Military Cemetery 赤柱軍人墳場
Weekdays are the best for visiting Stanley because it’s usually much more quiet and great for snapping some photos. If you prefer crowds and sounds though, then the weekends have a different atmosphere with crowded bars and restaurants and lots of families and their dogs and just more people sharing Stanley with you. :)
週日是去遊赤柱的最好時間, 因為這通常都較靜, 而且更是個映相的好機會。如果你比較喜歡人群和熱鬧聲的話, 那麼週末就會有一個不同的環境氣氛, 會有坐滿人的酒吧及餐廳, 會有很多整個家庭的人及他們帶著的狗, 總而言之,就會有多很多的人跟你一同分享赤柱了!